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How much do you really miss us?

Well, it's the last day in Haiti Heaven and we will sure miss it... until next time! We started out with painting more of the new home in the kids village today, said our goodbyes to the kiddos, then a few of us went on a walk to the beach and went shell shopping in the water. I'm still amazed by how warm the water is, how blue the skies are, and how sweet the people are. A part of me doesn't want to leave, but the other part really misses my family and friends, so I will take a part of Haiti home, as Haiti will keep a part of my heart here... I know it's in the right hands! And *cross my fingers* that the Lord will allow me to come back next year. I think I can speak for the group and say Haiti has truly given us a whole new outlook on life, spirituality, genuine community, and love for other people and nations. I could go on and on and on about what Haiti has done for us, more than what we've done for Haiti; we could all write a book! But until that happens, I guess that just means you all will have to just experience it for yourselves. The joy in the kids eyes is unreal and so it's contagious! Their laughter, and smiles are pure and I will never be the same after this mission trip. God has been so good to us both as a group and individually and I am forever grateful for this opportunity. We have a solid group with solid people and i'm happy to call them family! The staff are such great people, and definitely know what it means to work hard. To say this was a life changing trip would be an understatement! It's a bittersweet moment, but we're all excited to tell our loved ones what Haiti is really all about. We ended our night well, if I do say so myself! started out with worship, then flowed into communion, then sang our heart out for a few more songs and were able to talk about our highlights, what we will take home from this beautiful place God has created. We can't wait to see you all!

Much Love,

P.s. Here's just a sneak peak of yesterday's VBS activities.

-And no Jacob, I won't have a

child hiding in my carryon bag, but there were a few tempting times! See you soon.

- By the way, Lisa says "Hi family, I will be home tomorrow! I love you."

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Haiti ARISE Ministries Society is a registered Canadian charity  & 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity in the USA.

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