Providing clean drinking water for the communities in, and the towns surrounding, Grand-Goave is essential to meeting the basic health and sanitation needs of the people. Our goal is to oversee the drilling of 10 new water wells in the next two years. Every well drilled by Haiti ARISE Ministries uses the service of Blue Ridge International for Christ, a Mennonite drilling mission in Haiti, and is ensured to be far from polluting latrines and other contaminated water sources.
The need for clean drinking water is the highest priority in the community. Women and children from the surrounding area typically walk around 5 km two or three times a day. Drilling for a clean source of water typically reduces disease in rural communities by over 50%. Haiti ARISE has overseen the drilling of ten wells throughout Grand-Goave and even into Fauche and Tapion, as well as four wells on our properties that are accessible to the public. Thousands have benefited from the clean drinking water our wells provide. Each well is at least 150 feet deep and have all been tested to be free of contaminants that were found common in other community water sources, including the city water.