The REAL First Day
Today started with me waking up late, and it was entirely my fault since the night before I had set my alarm a half hour early. We began our day with Pastor Damon leading us in devotions on the roof. It was a great way to start the day, reminding us to focus on the Lord throughout what we would be doing today. I can't tell you what everybody did because I don't even know, but I do know that everyone was working hard.
After breakfast I went with Judy as her helper. I moved tables. Packed bags. Unwrapped scarves. Packed more bags. It sounds dreary in words but I actually quite enjoyed working with Judy and talking with her. Sometimes it seems, the best way to really get to know a person is to work with them.
Then there was lunch. Sometime after that it was time for me to take pictures and I was sent (I volunteered-ish) to go and witness firsthand what the men were working on. They are working on tiling one of the children's homes (among other things). Stalking them all with a camera was actually very amusing although I would enjoy it more if I were as visible as I am in those pictures. Being the "official" photographer pushes me more out of my comfort zone than I thought it would, which is probably a good thing. I have to notice things and be noticed. Not only that I have had to actually talk people into letting me take a picture of them.
After being escorted back to the campus (thanks Dan), I had some free time to watch how the first group of ladies, the test group if you will, made their way through the different workshops of the Ladies Conference.
I saw women praying, their passion for Jesus written across their faces. Here, when people pray they pray all at the same time. The reason, "God knows". During the prayer time our designated prayer warriors had together, they prayed over one woman who was experiencing pain and a headache. Later they learned she was healed instantly of her pain, and not only that but she had a vivid vision of a person in white coming to her. It is one of the first miracles our team has experienced, and probably not the last.
The passion for Christ is so much different here. It lacks the lukewarm that we find ourselves fighting in North America.
We went to a church service today before supper where we saw people worshiping with their whole selves and praying with confidence and emotion. That service was cut very short, however, because "The worship team needed to practice for the Ladies Conference tomorrow".
Tonight the adults all had to team up and help Joan get her craft stuff ready so that it would work smoother for tomorrow. Although it turned out to be a lot of work, it was a time of laughter where the team truly got to know each other better. The teens did their devotionals at that time, and I won't tell you much about that other than that there was a lot more laughing than one would expect (too much Sesame Street probably).
After all this we all gathered once again on the roof under the stars and had a time of prayer, and shared with and supported each other.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.