Worshipping in Grand Goave
Today was a full day starting with a morning devotion from Colleen, breakfast, and then worship at 8:00am. We had an interpretor at church and the sermon was on Faith as well as the Trinity. Our group along with the group from Saskatchewan sang 3 songs at the service. The first song was (What a Friend) and the congregation knew this song and sang along with us. The service was run by the youth who lead it every 3rd week. We had down time until lunch and then had a jam session with Struan before we headed off to the Childrens Church in Tampion. It was to start at 2:30 but didn't get going until after 3pm. We started off with around 25 kids and by the end around 50 were there. Our group sang a few Sunday School songs and the children sang as a group for us as well as a few solos. Pastor Johnny preached to us and the children about the Trinity to reinforce the sermon from morning church. Val had provided a craft with beads to make a necklace with 7 beads and an animal all with a christian message for the kids to spread the message of Gods love to their friends. We went back to Haiti Arise and then left for our supper of goat and Coke or chicken and pop at the neighborhood restaurant called Mondy's. It was already getting dark by the time we arrived and the cooks had to use flashlights for light to cook our food! The meal was delicious and we even had entertainment from a local man who is handicapped. He is affectionately named The Guitarman. As we returned back to our home away from home we saw the super moon on this very clear night. Some may even set alarm clocks for 12:30 to view the eclipse at it's peak! It has been a very full day with lots of wonderful memories to keep for years to come!