Even WARRIORS need some child like joy
I always explain to people the first five days seem to drag on in the best of ways. Each day feels like two, but then when day eight hits like "WOW, we only have two days left! It flew bye!" The memories and experiences start rushing through my mind. God works in such amazing ways. Think about this simple line, "God is Good!" He really is though and its so simple. Every time I've had the change to be in Haiti, God has shown up.
We have been given the task to paint half of the latest duplex built. The morning before we started painted I shared something with my team I struggle with. My feelings on doing things for others and how I like to do them as if I was doing for myself. I get a little flustered when I see others just throwing something together to get it done. I explained how this will not just be a home we helped paint but a place God can work in the lives of the parents and children living in them, if we should do it we should do it well! I then told them I was asking God to give me the ability to have grace for those who just do it. This started the growth in a friendship I already had. That day Clay and I picked a room buddied up and got to work! We sang, prayed, laughed, and talk about God! Each day we had fellowship together in that room while painting and doing it well. I got to know Clay on a deeper level.
Little back story Clay is a warrior, strait forward, no nonsense kind of guy, if I was a child he would probable intimidate me. With that being said he is a sweet man full of love.
Clay asked me to come along to the children's school break to look for a child to sponsor. Clay had a few things he was looking for, a child who is isolated. As we walked toward the school children came tugging all over me. A lot of them know me, they say my name. Clay does not go to the school as often as I do. He stays back and works, this time was different though . As we walked together, Jhonny a 5th grade teacher joins us and the kids start to notice Clay. A little girl joyfully runs up grabbing his hand. The look on his face was so perfect its like her joy was so contagious and as they touched, it transformed him, and filled his heart with joy. God is Good and his joy is our Strength!