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It was a fantastic day in Haiti

Our day started with me having to rescue two of our girls who were locked in the guest house due to the fact that..........well, lets just say they were locked in.

We started the day in church here at Haiti Arise. When we arrived, the people of the church were already singing, and on a day when there was no sound equipment or instruments to help with worship, it was not needed as the people sang from the top of their lungs. There was never a lull, or a quiet time as everyone, from young to old sang to the Lord. I am always so moved when I see the enthusiasm of the Haitian people when they worship. Something we can take to heart.

The reason we had no equipment is because Mark and Lisa are down south,where we built homes last year with 25 Haitian people planting a church. Another great thing that Haiti Arise is doing. So many organizations give aid and leave, but they are doing a very practical thing by planting a church for people to worship.

Another highlight of the day for me was playing soccer with a couple of local Haitian boys,first with Clark and then with Steve. So rewarding to be able to build relationships with the the Haitian people, which has been a high for everyone on our team at some point as we co-exist with them.

This afternoon we were off to Tapion, where we took part in a service with over 50 children. Again, what a blessing this was.What a blessing to see children worshiping together.

And tonight out for supper and ice cream in Grand Goave.

As a team, we continue to grow together, and in the Lord as we realize more and more that this trip is as much about growing us as it is about us helping the people of Haiti. Continue to pray for us as we go about our tasks tomorrow, and as we strive to meet the needs of others and build relationships.

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Haiti ARISE Ministries Society is a registered Canadian charity  & 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity in the USA.

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