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Give Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change

Hungry For Life Medical Team Blog

While all our friends and family were experiencing their first snowfall of the year, we mopped sweat from our dripping foreheads. Our team worked hard today and pushed their way through some very challenging situations, and while the challenges are great, the rewards are even greater.

To be honest we saw some tough situations today and I am not too sure we can do anything about them. It is always a struggle to navigate these things especially in a limited resource country such as Haiti. Lucson is a 20 year old boy this team has been working with for a couple years now. Lucson is struggling with a brain tumor growing behind his pituitary gland and this has damaged the gland causing no growth hormone to bring about maturity. Although he is 20 years old, his body is at the developmental stage of a 12 year old. Without surgery, he will likely be blind and without hormone replacement therapy, he will never mature to puberty. We also saw a man today with a hemoglobin level of 40 when it should be 140, in dire need of several blood transfusions, a diabetic lady who hadn’t eaten in 5 days in major diabetic shock, a three year old boy with major kidney issue…and the list could go on. But, through it all we see success stories, we see gratefulness and many smiles. We are a part of stories that indicate the Lord’s finger, guiding and healing.

We have a great team of worker bees. Everybody has so much to contribute and I am honored to be on a team with these amazing people. We laugh a lot and are able to rely on one another.

“Try to help others. Consult their weaknesses, relieve their maladies; strive to raise them up, and by so doing you will most effectually raise yourself up also.” – Joseph Barber Lightfoot.

We bid you goodnight from Haiti.

Angela (on behalf of the team)

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